PuneTech no longer an active forum. We (Navin, Amit) ran it from 2008 to 2018 after which we felt that the tech ecosystem in Pune has become strong enough that the need for running PuneTech had reduced, so we have moved on to other interests. If you’re looking for tech communities in Pune, check out: TiE Pune, SEAP, MCCIA, Venture Center, BHAU Institute, eChai Pune.
PuneTech (2008–2018) was a non-commercial forum intended to bring together in one place all information about interesting software technology in Pune – the companies, the tech user groups and organizations, the people, and the technologies, the news and the events.
PuneTech was created in March 2008 to filling the information gap that existed in the tech ecosystem in Pune. PuneTech used to reach 10000 subscribers on a daily basis many more direct visitors (this figure is for May 2013). The PuneTech calendar was the most comprehensive source of information about tech events in the city.
The Team
PuneTech was a community-driven, non-commercial initiative. To ensure that the content remained free from bias and vested interests, we never accepted any money, from any source, for any purpose whatsoever. PuneTech was started by, and was mostly run by Navin Kabra. Amit Paranjape was a key advisor and evangelist for PuneTech, and one of the top volunteers. Another special mention goes to the Pune OpenCoffee Club (an informal club of Pune startups), which has a close symbiotic relationship with PuneTech. There were a number of other people, too numerous to mention, who contributed in varying degrees.
I am working in one pune based ngo. which is working in waste mngt, within next 3-6 monts can you arrange any workshop, seminar on waste management issue ?
Hi Shripad,
Can you highlight as to what type of wastes are covered in the scope of your “Waste Management” activity?