- Image via CrunchBase
The Pune Tweetup is back.
Back in February, when we had the first one, organizers Bhavya, Purva and others had organized it on CCD on FC Road, assuming that “a few” people will turn up. A staggering 62 showed up , and managed to squeeze into CCD (that number is confirmed – I was personally present when the bodies were counted). Rohan talked about how he got business through twitter, Anupam Saraph talked about how to help Pune using twitter, Dhananjay talked about using different twitter accounts for different purposes, and I gave my twitter best practices spiel. It was covered by Pune Mirror, DNA, and Indian Express. As far as we know, that was the largest tweetup in India, and will be known by that name (“Largest Tweet-up in India”) until someone gives us details of something bigger that happened elsewhere.
Or, unless Pune Tweetup 2 (#ptu2) is bigger.
This one is on Saturday, 6th June, 6:30pm at the Mint Cafe. And I am not giving directions, because a SadakMap url is a more efficient way of doing that. To give the organizers a chance to panic (at the number of registrations), you should register at http://ptu2.eventbrite.com.
And for those feeling a bit lost, I guess I should explain what a tweet-up is. A tweet-up is a meet-up of twitterers. A Pune Tweetup is a chance for Pune’s twitterati to meet in person all those people they’ve met and interacted with only over twitter. It’s a place where you make friends and influence people. It’s a place where you run into people with interests similar to you. It’s the best place for professional networking. There’s also place for some unprofessional networking. It’s a place where you’ll sell your Ferrari and become a monk. It’s a place where you meet some of the smartest people in Pune (by definition, since, if you are not on twitter, you are not that smart, right?) And those who have been living in a cave for the last two years and have just emerged are probably wondering what is twitter and why is everybody going ga-ga over it, should educate themselves about twitter and take the plunge.
So what are you waiting for – register now. As they say, offer valid until stocks last.
it isnt india’s largest…
Bangalore has witnessed a crowd of 155+ .. it was absolute madness..
60 was what we achived in 2008..
as we say in Bangalore.. we love Beer! cheers