What: Pune OpenCoffee Club meeting for all those interested in doing a startup and looking for co-founders and/or ideas
When: Saturday, 16th January, 10am
Where: Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, Atur Centre, Model Colony. Map.
Registration and Fees: This event is free for all to attend. Register here: http://punestartups.ning.com/events/startup-aspirants-mela

Startup Aspirants Mela
Sumedh Inamdar called this event with the following pitch:
I am a startup aspirant, and want to meet other people who are looking for co-founders and/or ideas. Can we all such people meet on a saturday?
Are you a domain expert who has a great business idea, and are looking for a co-founder who can handle the technology part? Are you a group of techies who are looking for a good sales+marketing person? Are you an enthusiastic youngster who would love to work on a startup idea but don’t have an idea yet, and all your existing friends want to continue their boring jobs at Infosys/Wipro?
Welcome. This event is made just for you. Just show up – no preparation required, no permission required, no registration required.
So far, about 35 people have confirmed, and another 15 have indicated that they might attend the meeting. The idea is for each hopeful to give a short pitch about themselves – their background, what sort of work/ideas/startups they’re interested in, and what kinds of co-founders they are looking for. After this is done, there will be time for mingling where people can try to find their startup soulmates.
Are you a person who thinks of Pune as a retirees paradise? In that case, start showing up at POCC meetings, including this one, to see the energy that Pune still has.
how i can register? on link page i cant see any form for registration.
@girish, you need to be a registered member of POCC to able to register for this event. Registration is free. At the top right of the page, you’ll see links called “Sign Up” or “Sign in”. Click on “Sign Up” to join. After that, a “Your RSVP” block will show up on this page just above the “Attending” block.
Hi,Is today’s even cancelled (16th Jan)?
Anup, this is from last year. (2010)…