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Use of renewable energy is hot subject today. This week the Indian Institute of Production Engineers, Pune chapter (IIPE Pune) is coming to you with:
What : Renewable Energy sources – Specially Solar.
Speaker : Mr. Deepak Kelkar
Venue: COEP Pune Production Engineering department.
Date: Wednesday, 18th Noember 2009.
Time: 18=30 hrs. to 20=00 hrs.
Charges: Free for all. No registration required.
Mr. Deepak Kelkar is mechanical engineer. He has huge experience in sugar industry to install and commission different equipments. He has started Squre Engineering Pvt. Ltd. in 1986, as EPC company and they are specialized in Renewable Solar energy. They have collaboration with many renouned names in the field. They are working in renewable energy sources since 1992. Mr. will be sharing his experieces in this field. Suare Engineering has developed SUNCUBE – innovative system. The system genrates DC power by using “Tripple Junction PV cells under concentration of 1000X of Sun light.
Visit http://squareengg.com/ for details of Square Engineering Pvt Ltd
and http://groups.google.com/group/iipepune?hl=en for learning more about IIPE activities.