What: Project Management Institute, Pune Chapter‘s monthly meeting, consisting of two sessions – 1. Process Modeling, a key enabler and 2. Use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for organizational effectiveness
When: Saturday, July 12, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Where: Cummins Auditorium, Pune Shramik Patrakar Sangh, 193 Navi Peth, Ganjwe Chowk, Near Alka Talkies, Garware bridge & S. M. Joshi hall, Pune 411030. Reception (Tel) – +91(20) 24534190
Registration: This event is free for all, and no registration is required
Process Modeling – An approach and challenges in its successful adoption, as a key enabler
The use of off-line, steady-state Process Simulators has grown in the global Chemical and Hydrocarbon Processing Industry, particularly over the last decade or so. Many companies of different hue, in terms of size and type of business have derived significant benefits from the implementation of simulation technology.
Having witnessed this growth from both the angles – As a user and as a vendor, Mr. Pandit has also seen some myths, floating in the industry, about simulation technology. He believes that some of these misconceptions have thwarted the efforts of many a companies in adopting simulators as an in-house design and process-monitoring tool.
This presentation would cover some of these myths and/or challenges that industry has faced while adopting simulation technology. It will also present some examples of organizations that have done well in absorbing simulation technology in their organizations.
About the Speaker – Alok Pandit
Alok Pandit has over 20 year’s association with Process Simulation industry, in various capacities. Starting as a Technical Support Executive on Chemshare’s products, he has worked extensively with Aspen Tech and Hyprotech products in Training, Technical Support, Product customization and Business Development. He has conducted more than 100 training programs, on different simulation software, for leading companies in India, Abudhabi, Netherlands and UK.
Alok holds M.Tech (Chem) degree from I.I.T Kanpur (1986) and B.Sc. (Engg) degree from Panjab University, Chandigarh (1983). Alok also holds a PG Diploma in Advanced Computing from C-DAC, Pune.
Alok is presently the Director of Equinox Software & Services Private Limited, a company he has set-up to provide modeling based consulting services to the process industry. Alok was previously working as Country Manager – SAARC and Vice President – Sales, for Aspen Technology Inc. covering a wide territory from Pakistan to Australia. Prior to that, he has worked with Hyprotech, Onward Technologies Limited, Hinditron Computers and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (Mumbai Refinery).
Use of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for organizational effectiveness
NLP® (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is the art and technology of achieving personal, professional and corporate excellence. NLP enables you to understand and change the way you think, feel and behave. It helps you to choose what to do, and be what you want to be. It is a Methodology based on the fact that behavior has a structure, and that structure can be modeled, learned, taught and changed i.e. re-programmed.
Special features of these techniques are that they
- Align thinking and behavior patterns to meet goals and objectives in a seamless manner.
- Help to achieve a wide variety of outcomes such as motivation, creativity, emotional management, new skill development, team synergy, health, belief change and more.
- Acknowledge uniqueness of individuals and change behaviors in ways most appropriate to them.
- Cause changes without stress. Within a relatively short period this person can start experiencing personal power and euphoria.
About the Speaker – Vikas Dikshit
Mr. Dikshit has done extensive research in the field of mind sciences, psychology and the behavior modification techniques. He has conducted many Workshops and Seminars on various topics to bring about holistic & significant improvements in professional and personal lives of people. He is B.E. (Mech.) from college of Engineering, Pune and after graduating, he had business interests in road transport, bore-well drilling and leather garment manufacturing and exports to North America and Europe. These businesses gave him a hands-on experience of managing a wide variety of people in various management environments, circumstances and cultures.
For more information about PMI Pune, see it’s PuneTech wiki profile
Project Management Institute
Pune Deccan India Chapter
Making project management indispensable for business results. ®
Invitation for NLP Workshop
PMI Pune Deccan-India Chapter is pleased to invite you for interesting and long awaited 2 day workshop on:
Using Power of Mind-Applying Neuro Linguistic Programming and Huna
Corona, The Coronet, Apte Road, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411 004 P.N. +91-98813 07424, +91-98813 07426
Dates and Time:
Sat 27th Jun 2009 Morning 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sun 28th Jun 2009 Morning 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
About the workshop:
The workshop is based on NLP techniques and thrust will be on practical aspects.
NLP® (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is the art and technology of achieving personal, professional and corporate excellence. NLP enables you to understand and change the way you think, feel and behave. It helps you to choose what to do, and be what you want to be. It is a Methodology based on the fact that behavior has a structure, and that structure can be modeled, learned, taught and changed i.e. re-programmed. Acknowledge uniqueness of individuals and change behaviors in ways most appropriate to them. Cause changes without stress. Within a relatively short period this person can start experiencing personal power and euphoria.
Objectives of the workshop:
1) Knowing how does our mind work and how we can use it to enhance our life
2) Knowing what do we exactly want from life
3) Learning most ancient as well as most modern methodologies and techniques for using power of mind
4) Actually putting those techniques to use and preparing our mind for achieving successes in various areas of our life
5) Understanding how we can easily realize our enormous inherent potential without exerting or working hard
6) Learning how we can live a life that is-
· Successful and yet stress free
· Ambitious and yet confidant
· Multifarious and yet effective
· Active and yet efficient
· Abundant, happy & peaceful
· Balanced and fulfilling
Speaker: Mr. Vikas Dikshit
Mr. Dikshit has done extensive research in the field of mind sciences, psychology and the behavior modification techniques. He has conducted many Workshops and Seminars on various topics to bring about holistic & significant improvements in professional and personal lives of people. He is B.E. (Mech.) from college of Engineering, Pune and after graduating, he had business interests in road transport, bore-well drilling and leather garment manufacturing and exports to North America and Europe. These businesses gave him a hands-on experience of managing a wide variety of people in various management environments, circumstances and cultures.
1. Workshop is available for all
2. Registration fee: Rs. 5,000/- for PMI chapter members, Rs. 6,000/- for Non-PMI members
3. All payments must be paid in advance. Checks payable to: “PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter”, Payable at: Pune, India. Please write your Name, eMail ID, Date of Subscription and Member ID at the back of the check
4. Practicing PMPs can earn PDUs (Professional Development Units) by attending this seminar after confirmation
5. Please share this information with other interested / your friends, they need not to be Deccan Chapter member
1) Visit http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/pmi-pune-chapter and click on – Join this group! button.
2) Send mail to pmi-pune-chapter-owner@yahoogroups.com with following information
Name, Personal Email, Home Phone, Mobile No, Company Name, Work Email, Work Phone, Designation, PMI Member (paid $119)? Deccan Chapter Member (paid $10)?
3) Chapter website: http://www.pmipunechapter.org
Thanks & Regards,
Shirish Deuskar, PMP
Programs Director
PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter
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