Computer Society of India – Pune Chapter presents the second lecture in a series on Data warehousing. The first lecture gave an overview of BI and DW. The second lecture will describe how these techniques are used by businesses:
What: Applications of of Business Intelligence by Narendar C.V. of SAS R&D India.
When: Thursday, October 16th, 2008, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: Dewang Mehta Auditorium, Persistent Systems, Senapati Bapat Road
Entry: Free for CSI Members, Rs. 100 for others. Register here.
Details – Overview of BI & Data warehousing
This lecture will cover the various applications of Business Intelligence solutions. These include Customer Intelligence, solutions specific to Industries and also will touch upon real time BI applications. Narender will explore the value and use of advanced Business Intelligence, areas such as Performance Management, Customer Management and Analytics: forecasting, data mining and Optimization. He’ll present examples of advanced business Intelligence methods and uses, and suggest ways companies can implement and incorporate these types of analysis. He will also discuss ways to measure the success and ROI.
If you’ve always wanted to know why, how and when you should be using advanced BI, you won’t want to miss this!
It is not necessary to have attended the previous lecture.
For more information about other lectures in this series, and in general other tech events in Pune, see the tech events calendar at upcoming.
About the speaker – Narender C.V.
Narender is a Principal Consultant at SAS. He currently spearheads the Solution development for the Retail & Manufacturing Solution.
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