Tag Archives: Events

5 Tech Events in Pune this Saturday (this is no longer surprising)

There are five tech events in Pune this Saturday. ClubHack (security), DocType HTML5 (html5/css3), POCC Networking Event (startups), PLUG monthly meet (Linux), and ACM Pune Event (Indiana University pitch). In the past, this would have been cause for celebrations – but it is no longer surprising. We now regularly have days that are full of tech events. November 19 and November 12 both had 5 events each.

About 2-1/2 years ago, when PuneTech and Pune Open Coffee Club were started, we used to worry about scheduling an event on a day when there was already another event on the same day. We would get vaguely uncomfortable if a POCC meeting was scheduled on the same day as a PLUG monthly meet – why force Pune techies to choose between two events? In those days, we had the luxury of thinking like this, because, on an average, there would be 3 or 4 tech events in a whole month!

How things changed. In the last 3 weeks alone, there have been 21 interesting events in Pune that we know about (I’m sure there were more). The tech community is thriving. There is so much to choose from. And yet, if we take into account the population of tech professionals and students in Pune, so much more could be done. Maybe we don’t need more events, but we can definitely do with more participation.

What we need to do:

  • Be more aware of what events are happening. In The PuneTech Calendar we try to list all the events we find out about. We don’t necessarily feature all of them in the PuneTech blog (i.e. in the daily email that you receive). So if you want to be informed of all the events, you need to separately subscribe to the events rss feed or email subscription.
  • Get more people to attend events. Spread the word. Encourage your friends to attend.
  • Start “doing” things in events, in stead of just “attending” and “listening”. We have such a thriving community – we should harness the spirit to start creating things. Maybe we can create websites that help the community, or the city. Maybe we can create interesting services. Maybe we can write mobile apps. Ideas are welcome.

In any case, check out the list of events. There’s a Rails Meetup today (but you’ll probably not be able to attend because they’re already full and have a waiting list of people wanting to get in). On Saturday, Bruce Schneier, renowned security expert will be at ClubHack (in addition to all the other speakers). HasGeek.in has collected together a bunch of experts in HTML5 to tell us why HTML5/CSS3 will take over the world. Pune Linux Users Group will be planning GNUnify, one of the biggest open source events in India, which will happen in Pune in February. And Dr. Bobby Schnabel, Dean of the School of Informatics at Indiana University, USA, will tell us about the crucially important and stimulating challenges that lie before us in the areas of computing and information technology.

It’s a good time to be a techie in Pune…

DocType HTML5 – Free 1-day conference on html5/css in Pune – Dec 4

DocType HTML5 is a one day conference on HTML5, CSS3 and related technologies. This is a free, technology-focused event aimed at helping folks get started with HTML5 as a rich application platform.

DocType HTML5 will be held in Pune this Saturday, December 4, from 9am to 6pm, at COEP (College of Engineering, Pune).

This is a free event, and anybody can attend. You need to register here

The first edition of DocType HTML5 was in Bangalore on October 9. A full report of that edition is available here. That should give you an idea of what the conference is about. The schedule and list of speakers for the Pune event haven’t yet been finalized, but the talks are likely to be similar. Each edition has a different set of speakers and is customized around the interests of participants. After you register, you will be asked to pick the topics you’re interested in. They will customize the sessions and find subject matter experts based on your choices.

About the Organizers – HasGeek.in

DocType HTML5 is organized by HasGeek, a new initiative focused on creating high quality community-driven technology events.

HasGeek was created by Kiran Jonnalagadda after he realized that technology events “by the community” could be improved significantly if someone else were to take over the job of logistics and of finding sponsorships. That way, the community could focus on the content. This is what HasGeek does. It is a private company that organizes the DocType HTML5 conference in various cities (and will presumably start organizing other tech conferences in the future). The conferences are free for anybody to attend, and HasGeek takes care of the logistics (venue, lunch, tea/coffee, registration) and getting enough sponsorships to pay for all of that.

What I really like about HasGeek is the professional way in which the it appears to be run. Poke around on the HasGeek wiki to understand what I mean. See the detailed updates on the feedback received from previous conferences. Look up the conference router project.

What should you do

If you would like to attend, register here.

If you would like to be a speaker get in touch with Kiran at HasGeek.in.

Android/iPhone/BlackBerry/Nokia – Which platform(s) should developers target

(I attended the IndicThreads Conference on Mobile Application Development today. This article is based on presentations made there and conversations I had with some of the presenters.)

The smartphones market is very fragmented.

In 3Q2010, Symbian had 37% of the smartphone market, Android was second with 25% (it was at 2% 18 months ago), and iOS in third place with 16%. RIM (Blackberry) was next. Windows was losing.

So, what should a developer do? Which to target?

I talked to Romin Irani of Xoriant about this problem, and whether HTML5 is the answer to these issues. My key takeaway’s from this conversation were:

  • HTML5 is here already. I was under the impression that HTML5 is something that will arrive sometime in the near future. Romin pointed out that HTML5 support is pretty good even today, especially if you’re thinking of mobile phone browsers.
  • But HTML5 not the answer to all your problems. If you need access to device sensors, you’re probably better off with a native app. If you want access to the appstore/marketplace, then you need a native app. HTML5 doesn’t qualify!
  • If you’re a new startup, and you want to build a mobile app, what should you do? These are the guidelines:
    • If you don’t need device sensors, and don’t need to be in the appstore/marketplace, strongly consider a HTML5+CSS+JavaScript app
    • If you want to go after the US market, you must have an iPhone native app. (Maybe followed by Android)
    • If you want to go after Europe market, then you will need to have a Nokia based native app, just for the sheer numbers they have

Rohit Nayak of Talentica had talked about the use of cross-platform app development frameworks like Titanium and PhoneGap. Both allow you to write apps in JavaScript. Titanium cross-compiles them to native apps on each platform. PhoneGap uses a modified version of the browser so that your app is HTML+CSS+JavaScript, but there are modifications that allow you to access native phone features (like sensors).

There are some limitations, and such apps aren’t as good as native apps.

So, would he really recommend the use of PhoneGap/Titanium for developing apps? Rohit had this to say:

  • Titanium and PhoneGap are rapidly getting better and better. More and more apps built using them are showing up on the android marketplace.
  • If you already know JavaScript, and need to get to the market quickly, you should definitely consider using one of these tools
  • If you don’t really need advanced native features of any specific platform, then it makes a lot of sense to go this route
  • If you are a software outsourcing company that’s building apps for third parties, you should seriously considering building a team that uses Titanium. For most of your customers, you’ll be able to quickly complete an app that satisfies them. Otherwise, you’re faced with a nightmare – you’ll need to build teams with expertise in each of the major platforms, and this is almost impossible to do with today’s attrition.

The last few points seem very similar to the advantages of HTML5, so I asked Rohit whether PhoneGap/Titanium had any advantages over HTML5. Answer:

  • PhoneGap/Titanium generally support more native features than HTML is planning on supporting
  • An app built Titanium/PhoneGap can go on the appstore/marketplace.
  • An HTML5 app necessarily requires you to have a “cloud” presence – a web server and an API, and supporting all the online connections. PhoneGap/Titanium application does not require any of that.

Silicon India’s Software Testing Conference – Nov 20

SiliconIndia is organizing Software Testing Conference (SofTec 2010), a leading event for the Software Test and QA Community on November 20th, 2010 (Saturday) in Pune.

SofTeC 2010’s agenda reflects the challenges organizations face today in order to address different testing projects. It also explores new challenges such as Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Web 2.0 and the increasing take up of Open Source tools. The conference provides clear guidance to the delegates and helps them understand the challenges and issues faced in testing today, how best to address them and how to cope with changing conditions and the need to optimize every effort.


An optimum approach to n-tier architectured application testing
Building an Automation Framework around Open Source Technologies
Commercial Test Automation Tools and its real benefit
Software Security Testing
Mobile/Infotainment Apps testing
Cloud Testing: The future of software testing
The Case for a Standard Uniform Test Modeling Language
Protocol Testing
Globalization testing- Getting your software World-ready
Avionics Testing

DATE:  November 20, 2010 (Saturday)
TIME: 8.00 AM to 5:00  PM
VENUE: YASHADA MDC Auditorium,Raj Bhavan Complex,Pune

We have limited Seats. Registration for this Conference is by
invitation only. Attendance is limited to maintain an intimate setting
and foster dialogue among all participants.

To request an invitation, please visit:
and complete the form . There will be a registration fee of Rs 500 only. This is towards: Access to Sessions, Tea/ Coffee & Refreshments and Lunch.

The Explosion of Data & Trends in Storage Systems – by Ken Boyd IBM Distinguished Engineer – Nov 16

Update: This talk is on Nov 16, (not Nov 13 as we misreported earlier). Sorry about inconvenience caused. Also, the talk is from 5pm to 7pm. Mail indialab@in.ibm.com to register.

Abstract of the talk:

An "explosion" of data, including "unstructured" data is having a profound effect on society, technology, and the storage industry. This increase in digital content is driving system storage developers to innovate new approaches to satisfy the demand of the market. This presentation will review some of the contributors to the extensive growth in data. The impact on industry storage system development will be examined with a review of current leading storage system attributes. How the focus of leading edge storage systems is shifting to absorb the massive amounts of data will be discussed.

Finally a discussion of near future developments will make that case that storage systems will continue to be a "hot bed" of innovation and exciting change for the foreseeable future.

About the speaker:

Ken, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, is a lead storage architect and designer working on IBM’s XIV Storage Server and SONAS products. Ken recently completed a two year IBM international assignment in Israel where he served as XIV Chief Architect and he led the XIV team in defining the architecture, system engineering, and integration of XIV into IBM. Ken started his IBM career after graduating from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1974 with a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering. After beginning as an IBM logic designer, Ken held a variety of engineering and management positions in Poughkeepsie, NY before transferring to Tucson, AZ in 1987. Advancing in IBM’s storage development team in Tucson, Ken led several organizations, including hardware development, microcode development, technical support marketing, and product management. Ken made significant contributions to IBM high end storage products, including the IBM 3990 Storage Controller, the IBM Enterprise Storage Controller (now known as the DS8000 family), and the XIV Storage System. He was promoted to IBM Director in 1993 and was named an IBM Distinguished Engineer in 2003. In July 2005 Ken received an IBM Outstanding Innovation Award for significant contributions to developing and protecting IBM Intellectual Property. Ken has achieved an IBM 12th Plateau Invention Achievement Award and has been named an IBM Master Inventor. Ken earned a M.B.A. degree from the University of Arizona and he is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Seminar Hall No. 2 (aka Room No. 6)
Near the Library and Production Dept.,
Main Building Area
College of Engineering, Pune

This event is free for all to attend. Please register by sending an email to indialab@in.ibm.com with the subject line ‘Registration for Pune’.

SOAP Security; Linux Security Gateway – Nov 13

'null' the "open" security community presents an event on Nov 13, 4:30pm at SICSR Model Colony.

Details are as follows:

Talk: SOA architecture and SOAP protocol architecture detail and attack Vector by Nabarun sengupta

Brief Description of Talk:
Will discuss on what are web services? How SOA architecture came into existence? The SOA architecture came forth with the concept of SOAP protocol and WSDL files. We will see the communication between them. Then some aspects on attacker’s approach will be highlighted. Eventually it will end with a video demonstration of an web service attack on WSDigger through WSKnight open source tool.

Talk: How to convert your linux box into Security Gateway – Part 1 by Murtuja Bharamal

Brief Description of Talk:
In this talk I will cover various security feature/daemon of Linux OS either comes by default of with OS or available for downloads, like Firrewall, Proxy, IDS/IPS, VPN, Antivirus How to configure and use this feature to convert linux box into Security Gateway as per requirement.
In part-1 I will start-with Basic Linux Hardening and IPTables Firewall.

About null

null is an open security community for ethical hackers, security professionals and security enthusiasts. It is free, and anybody can join.

null was born out of a need for:

  • Promoting advanced security research.
  • Spreading security awareness among the netizens.
  • A Centralized knowledge base for security related information.

It was founded by Aseem Jakhar in Jan 2008.


Move towards immunity from security.


  • Advanced security research.
  • Create a disclosure platform.
  • Design/Develop innovative solutions to combat current/emerging threats.
  • Define a “Must-Have” security knowledge-base for different roles (programmer, QA, admin, end user).
  • Spread security awareness.
  • Organize Meetings/Conferences/Trainings/Awareness camps.

Seminar on “European Perspectives on Patents”

As lot of collaborations are taking place between Pune based firms and German companies, and considerable amount of trade also takes place between both the countries which is likely to be affected by the current European Patent legislation, it is felt desirable to create an awareness among Indian manufacturers and service providers about the current trends in patenting in Europe. LES India in association with URDIP, Pune is organizing the seminar on the theme of “European Perspectives on Patents “ with a particular focus on the automobile and IT sectors.


URDIP is a specialized service unit of CSIR, which helps organizations to meet the challenges of the new knowledge era. CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India have jointly set-up a Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP) at Pune. The mission of URDIP is to develop and distribute science, technology and industry related information products in electronic, online and web based formats. URDIP will also host third party databases.

It has been extensively involved in building patent databases and various patent analysis and mapping activities and has conducted a variety of comprehensive global patent search and analysis studies for clients in public and private sector. URDIP also provides training programmes in the area of Patinformatics.

URDIP is based in Pune. For more information, see http://urdip.res.in/

About the speakers

Prof. Dr. Heinz Goddar – a German Patent Attorney, as well as European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney.

He is particularly involved in international patent and licensing matters, including litigation and arbitration. He teaches Patent and Licensing Law as an Honorary Professor at the University of Bremen, Germany. He is also a Director at the Global Institute of Intellectual Property (GIIP), Delhi.

He is a Past President of LES International and of LES Germany.

Mr. Damien Trotereau – He has an engineering degree in electronics and control. He has passed the European Qualifying Examination for patent professional representatives. He has nearly 13 years of experience as Patent Examiner at EPO and also as resource person for EPO patent training programmes.

LES India

LES India is a not-for-profit company responsible for LES International activities in India. It is a professional society that encourages high professional standards among individuals engaged in the transfer and licensing of technology and industrial, or intellectual property rights.

LES India assists its members in improving their skills and techniques in licensing through self education, the conduct of special studies and research, the sponsorship of educational meetings, the publication of statistics, reports, articles and other material, and the exchange of ideas related to domestic and foreign

One of the important mandates of LES India is to make available to its members the latest, most accurate information on licensing.

For more information see: http://www.lesindia.org/

Calling all Drupal users, developers and enthusiasts in Pune – Drupal Meeup Nov 13

Dipench says:

This is call for general drupal meetup in city of pune, more and more consulting shops and product startups are now using drupal and its a nice time to start regular monthly meetups to keep a pulse on how people are using drupal. Agenda for the meetup is almost anything under the sun related to drupal, but few specific things we can discuss:

1> How to go about having regular monthly meetups, whats needed and how to go about it – 30 mins
2> Ad hoc drupal related issues/questions people might have – 30 mins
3> Lightning talks – 30 mins ( Could be about anything related to drupal )

Saturday, Nov 13th, 4pm, at SICSR, Model colony. Free for all to attend. No registration required.

PICT Technical Event Credenz’10: Sept 17-19

What: Credenz, Technical Event organized by PICT IEEE Student Branch
When: 17, 18, 19 September, all day.
Where: PICT Campus
Registration and Fees: See the Credenz Website for registration details

Credenz'10 Logo
Credenz'10 is a 3-day technical event organized by PICT IEEE Students Chapter. Click on the logo to see the website of Credenz 10.
What is Credenz?

It is a three day, student-oriented, technical+business event organized by the PICT IEEE Student Branch, and will have competitions, seminars and workshops.

Who should go?

Students from Engineering colleges, B-schools, and other students from technical graduate schools. Also, industry professionals who are interested in being in touch with students, finding the right kinds of students (motivated, passionate), and generally building a bridge between industry and academia in Pune.

What to expect?

  • Student Competitions on: Programming, Quiz, Paper Presentation, Robotics, Business Plans.
  • Workshop on Robotics
  • Seminars on Android, Cloud Computing, and Public Key Cryptography

Why should you go?

PICT is one of the best engineering colleges in the city, and this event is likely to attract the most enthusiastic students from across other colleges. If you’re an industry professional who usually complains about the lack of quality students turned out by our colleges, then you need to go hang out at such events and see the quality and energy. The students are there, you just need to know how to find them.

And if you’re a student, then you really need to be one of those passionate students, who shines inspite of our system. That means participating in events like these and finding interesting industry professionals to hook up with.