'null' the "open" security community presents an event on Nov 13, 4:30pm at SICSR Model Colony.
Details are as follows:
Talk: SOA architecture and SOAP protocol architecture detail and attack Vector by Nabarun sengupta
Brief Description of Talk: Will discuss on what are web services? How SOA architecture came into existence? The SOA architecture came forth with the concept of SOAP protocol and WSDL files. We will see the communication between them. Then some aspects on attacker’s approach will be highlighted. Eventually it will end with a video demonstration of an web service attack on WSDigger through WSKnight open source tool.
Talk: How to convert your linux box into Security Gateway – Part 1 by Murtuja Bharamal
Brief Description of Talk: In this talk I will cover various security feature/daemon of Linux OS either comes by default of with OS or available for downloads, like Firrewall, Proxy, IDS/IPS, VPN, Antivirus How to configure and use this feature to convert linux box into Security Gateway as per requirement. In part-1 I will start-with Basic Linux Hardening and IPTables Firewall.
About null
null is an open security community for ethical hackers, security professionals and security enthusiasts. It is free, and anybody can join.
null was born out of a need for:
Promoting advanced security research.
Spreading security awareness among the netizens.
A Centralized knowledge base for security related information.
It was founded by Aseem Jakhar in Jan 2008.
Move towards immunity from security.
Advanced security research.
Create a disclosure platform.
Design/Develop innovative solutions to combat current/emerging threats.
Define a “Must-Have” security knowledge-base for different roles (programmer, QA, admin, end user).
Spread security awareness.
Organize Meetings/Conferences/Trainings/Awareness camps.
The call for papers for two interesting security conferences has just been announced, and as usual, PuneTech is trying to encourage its readers to make submissions to the conferences. As indicated in an earlier post, PuneTech does not promote paid conferences, but we’re happy to promote the call for speakers for these conferences, because, for selected speakers, the conferences is free :-).
World famous security researcher Bruce Schneier is expected in Pune for ClubHack2010 in December. Image via Wikipedia
The first of these conferences is ClubHack 2010, which will be in December 2010, and will feature world famous security expert Bruce Schneier, and the second one is the nullcon dwitiya which is actually in Goa (but is featured in PuneTech because null started in Pune, and is still a largely Pune-driven group).
ClubHack 2010
ClubHack2010 is expecting a deep knowledge technical presentations/demonstrations on topics from the world of Information Security. These presentations are expected to be of 40 minutes each. The schedule time for each presenter would be 50 minutes out of which 40 minutes are for the presentation & 10 for the question-answer sessions.
Indicative list of Topics for ClubHack2010
The following list of topics is made keeping in mind the most interesting topics in hacking & security. This is more of an indicative list, the papers submission can be on other topics also but have to be close to this & the theme of the event.
Protocol / Application based vulnerability in networks and computers
Firewall Evasion techniques
Cloud Application Security
Data Recovery and Incident Response
Mobile Security (cellular technologies)
WLAN and Bluetooth Security
Analysis of malicious code
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Computer forensics
Cyber warfare
Open source hacking toolkit
Cyber Crime & law
Hardware mods
Important dates for ClubHack2010
Click on logo see all PuneTech articles about ClubHack
Abstract Submission: 30th October 2010
Announcement of selected papers: 5th November 2010
Full Paper Submission: 15th November 2010
Speaker Benefits for ClubHack2010
Economic Return Ticket â from your nearest international airport to Pune
Accommodation (upto 4 days)
Local Tourism package (in Sahyadri Ranges, Western Ghat)
One extra ticket for the event
No other expenses as ClubHack is a not-for-profit group & finding sponsors in India is tough 🙂
Click on the NULL logo to see all PuneTech articles about NULL
null is a security community that started in Pune, and is now very active in a number of cities in India, including Bangalore, Delhi, Bhopal, etc. They have monthly meets and regular security awareness camps in various Institutions and Organizations, and they also hold an security conference in Goa every year. null describes itself as
We are a bunch of security phreaks who like to share our technical expertise and hacking skills with each other and spread awareness among the common people about the good, the bad and the ugly side of computers and technology. We believe that sharing the right technical knowledge leads to expertise and innovation and that is what we strive to do in our meets and events.
nullcon dwitiya is the second annual null conference, and will be in Goa in Feb 2011. They are soliciting research done by the community as paper submissions for nullcon. Submissions are expected in 4 tracks:
Bakkar: 1 Hr Talks
Tez: 5-30 min Talks
Karyashala: 2-4 Hrs Workshop
Desi Jugaad (Local Hack): 1 Hr
Submission Topics for nullcon dwitiya
For “Desi Jugaad” (Local Hack) nullcon is looking for submissions of any kind of local hacks that you have worked on (hints: electronic/mechanical meters, automobile hacking, hardware, mobile phones, lock-picking, bypassing procedures and processes, etc, Be creative :-D)
For the more traditional papers, the indicative domains are:
Hardware (ex: RFID, Magnetic Strips, Card Readers, Mobile Devices, Electronic Devices)
Tools (non-commercial)
Programming/Software Development
Information Warfare
Botnets, Malware
New attack vectors
Mobile, VOIP and Telecom
Critical Infrastructure
Important dates for nullcon dwitiya
CFP End Date: 30th November 2010
Speakers List Online: 10th December 2010
Conference Dates: 25th â 26th February 2011
Speaker Benefits for nullcon dwitiya
Speaker benefits are available for selected speakers in the “Bakkar”, “Desi Jugaad” and “Karyashala” tracks:
Free Accommodation for 3 nights
Travel (One way or Return depending on the Sponsorships 🙂 )
What: Meeting of the NULL security usergroup featuring talks on Malware analysis and an Open mail relay bypassing captcha and crypto When: Saturday, 31 Oct, 5pm Where: SICSR, Model Colony Registration and Fees: This event is free for all to attend. No registration required Link: Null Blog
Click on the NULL logo to see all PuneTech articles about NULL
Introduction to Malware Analysis
By DaH4cker
A short presentation on the techniques & tools used for malware analysis followed by a live example. I will be showing behavioral analysis approach which includes setting up a inexpensive, flexible environment & tools required for understanding inner-workings of malware.
Null.co.in, Pune’s network security community for hackers, security professionals, security enthusiasts, and in fact anyone related to IT for whom security matters (ahem: if you are in IT, and security does not matter to you, you should really not be in IT, should you?) is holding a month long contest for the best security related content. Content means anything that you can produce: article, blog post, whitepaper, advisory, disclosure, tutorial, video/audio, source code, tool, proof-of-concept. Pretty much anything that you created on your own, and relates to cyber security, and would be educational for other people to see/read/consume.
The contest runs from 15th June to 15th July, and winners get cool “????” T-shirts (there will be at least 10 winners). It’s OK to submit content that you’ve previously published elsewhere (e.g. bugtraq, or your blog), but it must be your original content. So get cracking (or is it “hacking”) and email your submission to submit _at_ null.co.in
Contest Details
1. The contest starts on 15th June 2009 and ends on 15th July 2009. Winners will be announced on the null mailing list on 20th July 2009.
2. The submissions can be anything related to security/hacking.
3. Submission Categories expected(but not limited to):
6. The submission should be original work of the author/submitter.
7. Your submissions* should be emailed to (submit _at_ null.co.in).
8. It is ok to submit your work already published on the net like advisories already posted on FD/Bugtraq, paper presented at a conference etc.
9. Submissions will be judged by core group members of null. Criteria for judgement:
– More technical the submission, more chances it has for winning.
– Innovation/Some thing new and never heard of before.
– Age of the work. Newer work will get more preference.
10. NULL will be giving away atleast 10 T-shirts.
11. For any further queries/details please write to (dhiraj _at_ null.co.in).
*Disclaimer: By submitting your work to null you are giving null the right to publish and redistrubute it in any form.
What: Monthly meeting on Network Security by security awareness group “Null” When: Saturday, 10st January, 6pm Where: IMED, More Vidyalaya, Paud Road, Pune Registration and Fees: This event is free for all. No registration required.
Agenda of the meet:
1. Discuss the AntiPhishing Project.
2. Discuss the Clubhack IAS project.
3. Presentation on Stack Smashing/Shellcoding.
4. Planning for our next Event.
5. What to and how to of our meets.
For the other 4 tech events happening this weekend, check the PuneTech calendar.