CMG India (Computer Measurement Group) is a group of performance management and capacity management professionals and students in the software industry.
The first annual conference of CMG India will be held in Pune on December 12 and 13. Last year, CMG India had a half day conference in Pune and that was quite successful.
The [call for papers][cmg2104cfp] or tutorials for the CMG 2014 conference is open currently – but it closes on 30th June, so hurry, only 12 days left.
The conference is looking for original submissions of real life experiences, (research) work in progress, tutorials in the following areas:
- Performance Engineering of IT Systems: Design, Development, and Production System Management
- Performance & Capacity Modelling
- Big Data Performance Engineering
- Cloud Performance Engineering
- Mobile Systems Performance
- In Memory Computing: Design and Optimization
- High Performance Computing
- Large System Architecture & Design for Performance
For more details of format and what is expected, see the call for papers.
This promises to be a high quality conference – the organizing and program committees consist of people from TCS (TRDDC), Cisco, IIT-Bombay, Intel, Persistent, Accenture, Microsoft and more.
For more details see the CMG India website, the CMG India First Annual Conference 2014 website, and the FAQ for the conference.