'null' the "open" security community presents an event on Nov 13, 4:30pm at SICSR Model Colony.
Details are as follows:
Talk: SOA architecture and SOAP protocol architecture detail and attack Vector by Nabarun sengupta
Brief Description of Talk:
Will discuss on what are web services? How SOA architecture came into existence? The SOA architecture came forth with the concept of SOAP protocol and WSDL files. We will see the communication between them. Then some aspects on attacker’s approach will be highlighted. Eventually it will end with a video demonstration of an web service attack on WSDigger through WSKnight open source tool.
Talk: How to convert your linux box into Security Gateway – Part 1 by Murtuja Bharamal
Brief Description of Talk:
In this talk I will cover various security feature/daemon of Linux OS either comes by default of with OS or available for downloads, like Firrewall, Proxy, IDS/IPS, VPN, Antivirus How to configure and use this feature to convert linux box into Security Gateway as per requirement.
In part-1 I will start-with Basic Linux Hardening and IPTables Firewall.
About null
null is an open security community for ethical hackers, security professionals and security enthusiasts. It is free, and anybody can join.
null was born out of a need for:
- Promoting advanced security research.
- Spreading security awareness among the netizens.
- A Centralized knowledge base for security related information.
It was founded by Aseem Jakhar in Jan 2008.
Move towards immunity from security.
- Advanced security research.
- Create a disclosure platform.
- Design/Develop innovative solutions to combat current/emerging threats.
- Define a “Must-Have” security knowledge-base for different roles (programmer, QA, admin, end user).
- Spread security awareness.
- Organize Meetings/Conferences/Trainings/Awareness camps.