All posts by Navin Kabra

PuneTech T-shirt giveaway to celebrate 3000 LinkedIn members

The PuneTech Group on LinkedIn has 2950 members right now, and will hit the nice round figure of 3000 sometime soon. It is already one of the largest Pune-related groups on LinkedIn (we think it is the 2nd largest).

Joining this group is a good way to let the world know that you’re a technology professional in Pune (or you have some strong connection to Pune). It is also a place where you can look for connections, or people can find you.

Also, the group there has forums, discussions, job postings – different from what you find in the PuneTech website and email subscription. So it would be a good idea to join.

To generally celebrate this milestone, and to encourage more people to join, we are giving away an “I am a Pune Technologist” T-shirt to a couple of randomly selected people out of the people who join the PuneTech LinkedIn group between now, and the time that it hits 3050 members. And to ensure that existing members don’t feel cheated, we’ll also pick a couple of existing members randomly.

So please join. And invite your friends too. The faster we reach 3050, the faster you get your T-shirts.

Pune’s Anil Paranjape joins cleantech fund Infuse as Venture Partner

Anil Paranjape, an active member of the Pune Tech community, one of the driving forces behind PuneCleanTech, director at FusionTech Ventures, (and owner of Grubshup Restaurant) is joining a new cleantech fund, Infuse, as a Venture Partner.

Here are details of the announcement in his own words:

I am happy to announce my association with a unique new cleantech fund: Infuse Capital. I will be helping them as a Venture Partner.

Infuse (Indian Fund for Sustainable Energy) is a new fund with some of the most influential promoters and investors in India and the world.

Infuse is anchored by MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India), DST (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India), IIMA (Indian Institute of Management, India’s most renowned business school) and BP (the global energy giant). All four of these institutions have made substantial investments in the fund.

This first close will be followed by the second close thru a few other investors: mostly institutional and a few individuals (both Indian and Global)

Infuse is an early-stage fund focused exclusively on Clean Technology companies. We believe that our influential investors (such as MNRE, DST, IIM-A, and BP) bring us the best chances of developing a good pipeline and will make the crucial difference in helping our portfolio companies thru the right policy mechanisms, technical help, unparalleled business network, and global cleantech reach. No other fund can boast of active participation and funding by such institutions. As you all know, Cleantech investments and business is very tough because many issues such as technology, talent, business models, and policies need to work together. We feel that Infuse covers all these aspects with active investments from the best and the most influential Indian and Global institutions to do that.

Besides that, Infuse is backed by a very strong advisory committee (and investment committee) consisting of some of the biggest and most successful stalwarts of Indian and Global cleantech industry.

My role with Infuse will focus on building a robust pipeline, making investments and managing the portfolio with active help to the portfolio companies. All my current associations and engagements will continue.

Infuse is now open for business (inaugurated last month by Mr. Narendra Modi who is the most forward-looking politician in India and Dr. Faroukh Abdullah, the Minister of New and Renewable Energy) and we are actively building a pipeline. If you know of entrepreneurs and/or companies working in Cleantech and could be looking for funds, please connect them to me at

More information is available at Infuse website.

PuneTech Video: Basics of REST

A few weeks ago, the TechNext group, which holds fortnightly talks on advanced tech topics in Pune had an event titled Indepth – RestFul Web Service, Cross Site Scripting and Web Security hacks. Vivek Shrinivasan and Meher Ranjan who attended the talk interviewed the speakers to get a quick overview of the talk.

The interview, where Loukik Purohit gives a basic overview of REST, has been put up on the PuneTech YouTube Channel:

You should see the video above, but if you don’t go to

Note: this is a very, very basic introduction to REST and should only be considered as an appetizer to get you interested in REST. There are major important aspects to REST that anyone who’s really interested in REST must understand, like server statelessness, hypermedia as the engine of state, which are not covered in this video.

Interested readers are encouraged to read Dhananjay Nene’s very long but excellent post “Why Rest”.

Call for Papers: ACM Pune’s Compute 2012 Conference on Intelligent & Scalable Systems

ACM Pune writes

With the advent of information age/knowledge age powered by internet, increasingly large amount of information is being generated and is becoming accessible electronically. The internet has promoted and sped the growth of information. It is growing at an astounding pace and today has more than 34 Billion web pages. It is now an ocean with various kinds of artifacts. However most of the information artifacts are designed and developed for consumption by humans.

High performance computing systems are employed across diverse fields to simulate and study complex systems, and generate new knowledge and information. Advances in field range from hardware and software architecture techniques to novel applications, and are increasing the pace of generation of new knowledge and information. An important concern is the scalability of these techniques. Cloud computing, for instance, holds a lot of promise in this direction.

Enterprise systems are growing in size, large software frameworks are being deployed. The dynamic business scenarios are prompting mergers and acquisitions due to which different IT systems are interfaced with each other. This is increasing the complexities of the systems and there is significant learning curve to understand such applications. Enterprises are facing problems related to comprehension, knowledge representation and reasoning. The 21st century needs systems that that are less people dependent, able to capture expert knowledge, and equipped to handle information overload.

Compute 2012 invites submissions from both researchers and practitioners in the broad area of scalable and intelligent systems. An indicative list of appropriate topics is as follows:

  • Knowledge and Information Retrieval
    • Text-Based Information Retrieval, Text Mining
    • NLP- Text summarization, keyword extraction, topic identification
    • User Context Mining. Context models for IR, context analysis from social networks
    • Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval, machine translation for IR
    • Semantic Web, Meta data analysis and tagging, knowledge extraction, inference, and maintenance
    • Information Retrieval models, language models, similarity measures, formal analysis
    • Information visualization
    • Mathematical Foundations of IR
    • Probabilistic, logic based IR models, and quantum mechanics Based IR models
    • New models, frameworks and approaches to IR Techniques
    • Classification, categorization, and clustering
    • Web IR
    • Machine learning for IR
    • Browsing, semantic search, meta-search
    • Knowledge Representation And Reasoning
    • Ontology learning
    • Semantic reasoning
    • Applications, services and systems based on semantic processing
    • Ontologies in practical knowledge and software engineering
    • Practical knowledge representation and discovery techniques in software engineering
    • Agent-oriented software engineering
    • AI approaches in software engineering process
    • Declarative, logic-based approaches
    • Vocabularies’, Ontologies and Rules for enterprise systems
    • Knowledge and software engineering for the Semantic Web
    • Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
    • Algorithms, methods, and technologies for building Web 3.0
    • Theoretical foundations of Semantic web (Description Logic)
  • High Performance Computing Track
    • Parallel Computing
    • Distributed Computing
    • Data Intensive computing
    • Grid computing
    • Cloud computing
    • On-Demand Computing
    • Ubiquitous Computing
    • Performance and benchmarking techniques
    • Programming techniques for HPC
    • Theoretical issues in Parallel, Cluster and Distributed systems
    • HPC Applications
    • System software for HPC

Submission Process

Authors are advised to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. The authors can submit up to a maximum of 8 ACM conference pages (about 4000 words).At least one author is required to attend the conference and present the paper.

Easychair Submission Page:

Submission Templates

  • Latex:
  • Word:

For details about the Organizing Committee, the Program Committee and other information, please see ACM Compute Pune 2012 page

TechWeekend Pune: Facebook’s Open Graph API – 1st Oct

There’s a TechWeekend this Saturday (1st Oct, 4pm-7pm, SICSR) to discuss the latest and hottest technology: Facebook’s newly announced OpenGraph API. Join a discussion to see how the recent launch by Facebook can change the way we think about Social Apps and Businesses. Read More:


  • Rohan Dighe – Design Experiences and Not Apps using OpenGraph
  • Aman Jain – My Experiences with OpenGraph

About Techweekend

TechWeekend Pune is a volunteer run activity. Each TechWeekend event features a few talks on advanced technical topics. These events are free for all to attend. See PuneTech articles about past techweekends to get an idea of the events.

Join the techweekend mailing list to keep in touch with the latest TechWeekend activities.

Fees and Registration

The event is on the 7th floor, SICSR, (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, near Om Market, Model Colony) on 1st October, Saturday, from 4pm to 7pm.

This event is free and open for anybody to attend. Please register here

Python, Django, Git, Virtualization and more at Fedora Activity Day 1 – Sept 24

A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) is scheduled for Saturday, September
24, 2011, 1000 IST onwards at Red Hat office in Pune. The
objective of this FAD is to get any beginner, particularly students,
introduced to Open Source and Linux in general,
and involved in Fedora in particular, in preparation of FUDCon, Pune.


Since this is an unconference, the final agenda will not be known until the day of the event, but you can see the agenda for the list of talks already registered. These include:

  • Introduction to Python
  • Introduction to Django
  • Communication Guidelines (on how to use IRC, wiki, mailing lists, etc)
  • Introduction to virtualization in Fedora
  • Introduction to Git – How to manage your love letters using Git

and a bunch of other talks.

Other details

Entry is to this free, but, there is limited seating capacity (maximum 70
people). If you are interested in giving a talk, please include your
name and talk details to the agenda. It is highly recommended that you
bring your laptops (with Fedora) to the event.

In addition to the sessions listed in the wiki, if you would like any
specific topic to be addressed, please contact Shakthi Kannan or
Rahul Sundaram.

The second FAD will be held in COEP on Saturday October 8, 2011.

Fees and Registration

The event will be on Saturday, 24 September, from 10am onwards at Red Hat Software, Tower X, Level-1, Cybercity, Magarpatta City, Hadapsar.

This event is free and open for anybody to attend. Please register by adding your name to the wiki here. You will be required to bring atleast one photo ID (driving license/voter ID/PAN card) to enter the premises.

CREDENZ: PICT’s technical event for events – 16-18 Sept

CREDENZ is an annual National Level Technical event organized by PICT IEEE Student Branch. On 16th , 17th and 18th September. CREDENZ is being organized for the past 7 years and has carved niche for itself as one of the most regarded Technical Events, drawing entries from CS, IT and E&TC colleges all over India.

Events at CREDENZ:


  • Programming Models by Udayan Kanade, Founder of Oneirix Labs
  • Ruby On Rails by Gautam Rege, Co-Founder of Josh Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • Mobile Computing by Vikas Verma, V.P. Emerging Technologies, Cybage


  • Paper Presentation – Presentations by students – One of the most popular events of Credenz.
  • Business Plan Contest
  • M.A.D talks – Showcasing innovative and/or wacky ideas
  • ‘C’Lash- C/C++ coding competition
  • Quiz
  • RoboLIGA – Robotics event. Football tournament between bots.
  • Pixelate – Design / Art competition
  • WebWeaver – Web design contest

CREDENZ also has 3 online events:

  • Blog It Up – Create and run a technical blog.
  • Like – Use facebook to promote a social cause
  • Network Treasure Hunt

This event is open for anybody to attend. Students who wish to participate (in the free online events, or the paid on-campus events) can register here

Phanindra Sama, CEO & Co-Founder to speak in Pune – 16 Sept is a truly Indian internet commerce success story. Nowhere else can I imagine a website that sells bus tickets being so successful. And, to be frank, when I first heard about redBus, I did not think much of its prospects myself. Hence I think it will be very interesting for the tech as well as the entrepreneur community in Pune to listen to the co-founder and CEO of on 16th September when he talks about his story so far, as part of TiE Pune’s excellent “My Story” series of talks.

A similar session, My Story by’s Mohit Dubey is one of my favorite tech events in Pune this year, and I loved the advice he gave. That is why I have high hopes from this event.

Here is TiE Pune’s description of this event:

“From a single idea to India’s largest bus ticketing company, redBus is an entrepreneurial success story with resonance around the world. It remains compelling proof that a young visionary with a strong engineering background can use technology and insight to create a competitive business and transform an industry.”

Founded in Aug. 2006, redBus today has operations across 15 states and offers services for 15,000+ routes and has built relationship with about 850+ bus operators.

redBus is amongst Forbes top 5 startups to watch in 2010. redBus is ranked no#1 – with a growth rate of 4823% between 2007-’09 – amongst the fastest growing companies in India in a survey done by All World Network. And is also awarded India’s best internet startup, 2010 by IMAI.

Phani is ranked no# 3 amongst India’s Most Promising Entrepreneurs by Business World. He was awarded Entrepreneur of the year award under IT, ITES category by ET NOW and the BITSAA 30 under 30 award. He is also selected as Endeavor Entrepreneur ( and TiE Entrepreneur (

He was a State ranker in Intermediate examination, Andhra Pradesh Sr. Secondary Board, graduated with distinction from BITS-Pilani, and worked with Texas Instruments, Bangalore before he co-founded redBus.

About TiE Pune My Story Sessions!

“My Story – Inspiring Journey of an Entrepreneur”

This program is created to celebrate entrepreneurship and bring stories from successful entrepreneurs in their own words. The invited speakers will share their entrepreneurial journeys and talk about lessons learned, mistakes they wish they avoided, and key decisions that helped make their venture successful.

Fees and Registration

The event is from 6pm to 8pm on 16 September at the Sumant Moolgaonkar Auditorium, Ground Floor, Wing A, ICC Trade Center, SB Road.

This event is free and open for anybody to attend. Please register here

Noted Cryptographer Dr. Whitfield Diffie to speak in Pune – 8 Sept

If you have any exposure to computer security, you have heard of public key cryptography. If you’ve done a little work in the area, you are no doubt aware of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange that solves the key distribution problem, one of the fundamental problems of cryptography.

Whitfield Diffie, one of the pioneers of public key cryptography, and the co-inventor of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange will be in Pune for a few days this week, and will give a talk on 8th September as part of Uniken’s Innovation Lecture Series at COEP Auditorium. This is a day-long event that will consist of student project presentations from 10am to 4:3pm, followed by sessions by Sanjay Deshpande of Uniken and Dr. Diffie. See the event page for more details.

The event is free for anyone to attend. You can register as an attendee or register to be a student presenter of your innovative idea/project at the event page.

Uniken is a Pune-based company that builds technology in the areas of Information Security and Biometrics, Embedded Systems, Control Systems, Intelligent Software Systems and applies them to problems in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Media and Entertainment, Healthcare, etc.

Dr. Whitfield Diffie has recently joined the Scientific Advisory Board of Uniken.

Call for Speakers – IndicThreads Conference on Java – Dec 2011

The call for speakers for the 6th Annual IndicThreads’ conference on Java is open. The conference itself is in December, but the CFP closes this week (10th September) and you should submit a proposal.

Pune’s has been holding Java conferences since 2006 and the feedback on their conferences has generally been good. You can check previous PuneTech coverage of IndicThreads to get an idea.

The conference itself is paid, but becoming a speaker is a good way to get into it for free.

Suggested topics are:

  • Java Language Specs & Standards
  • Enterprise Java
  • Java For Mobile Devices
  • Java for Multi-core Computing
  • Optimization, Scaling, Caching and Performance Tuning
  • Cloud Computing for Java
  • Rich Internet Applications
  • Languages for the JVM
  • Frameworks
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Spring
  • Virtualization
  • Social Networking
  • Security
  • Agile
  • Java RIA
  • New and emerging technologies
  • Case Studies and Real World Experiences

For more details see the conference webpage

As to why you should bother to submit a proposal, see this post written for an earlier CFP which gives the reasons. And go for it now.

Note, there is also a call for speakers open for the ClubHack conference. So that gives you two avenues to showcase your work.