Unpluggd is one of India’s top startup events, and it is coming to Pune on Nov 19th. Sunday, Nov 6th is the last date for nominating your startup to be one of the selected startups to demo at UnPluggd4.
If you have a startup, then Unpluggd is a great platform for showcasing your product. The who’s who of Indian startups will be here, and not only do you get exposure, but it also looks good on your startup’s resume (“selected for Unpluggd 201”). So nominate yourself.
With the advent of information age/knowledge age powered by internet, increasingly large amount of information is being generated and is becoming accessible electronically. The internet has promoted and sped the growth of information. It is growing at an astounding pace and today has more than 34 Billion web pages. It is now an ocean with various kinds of artifacts. However most of the information artifacts are designed and developed for consumption by humans.
High performance computing systems are employed across diverse fields to simulate and study complex systems, and generate new knowledge and information. Advances in field range from hardware and software architecture techniques to novel applications, and are increasing the pace of generation of new knowledge and information. An important concern is the scalability of these techniques. Cloud computing, for instance, holds a lot of promise in this direction.
Enterprise systems are growing in size, large software frameworks are being deployed. The dynamic business scenarios are prompting mergers and acquisitions due to which different IT systems are interfaced with each other. This is increasing the complexities of the systems and there is significant learning curve to understand such applications. Enterprises are facing problems related to comprehension, knowledge representation and reasoning. The 21st century needs systems that that are less people dependent, able to capture expert knowledge, and equipped to handle information overload.
Compute 2012 invites submissions from both researchers and practitioners in the broad area of scalable and intelligent systems. An indicative list of appropriate topics is as follows:
Knowledge and Information Retrieval
Text-Based Information Retrieval, Text Mining
NLP- Text summarization, keyword extraction, topic identification
User Context Mining. Context models for IR, context analysis from social networks
Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval, machine translation for IR
Semantic Web, Meta data analysis and tagging, knowledge extraction, inference, and maintenance
Information Retrieval models, language models, similarity measures, formal analysis
Information visualization
Mathematical Foundations of IR
Probabilistic, logic based IR models, and quantum mechanics Based IR models
New models, frameworks and approaches to IR Techniques
Classification, categorization, and clustering
Web IR
Machine learning for IR
Browsing, semantic search, meta-search
Knowledge Representation And Reasoning
Ontology learning
Semantic reasoning
Applications, services and systems based on semantic processing
Ontologies in practical knowledge and software engineering
Practical knowledge representation and discovery techniques in software engineering
Agent-oriented software engineering
AI approaches in software engineering process
Declarative, logic-based approaches
Vocabularies’, Ontologies and Rules for enterprise systems
Knowledge and software engineering for the Semantic Web
Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
Algorithms, methods, and technologies for building Web 3.0
Theoretical foundations of Semantic web (Description Logic)
High Performance Computing Track
Parallel Computing
Distributed Computing
Data Intensive computing
Grid computing
Cloud computing
On-Demand Computing
Ubiquitous Computing
Performance and benchmarking techniques
Programming techniques for HPC
Theoretical issues in Parallel, Cluster and Distributed systems
HPC Applications
System software for HPC
Submission Process
Authors are advised to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. The authors can submit up to a maximum of 8 ACM conference pages (about 4000 words).At least one author is required to attend the conference and present the paper.
The call for speakers for the 6th Annual IndicThreads’ conference on Java is open. The conference itself is in December, but the CFP closes this week (10th September) and you should submit a proposal.
The NASSCOM Game Developer Conference started as an experiment in 2009 to address the game developer community in India which grew into an independent 2 day conference in its 2nd year attended by more than 350 + delegates and fabulous talks, post mortems and panel discussions.
Now the 3rd edition is here; Scheduled on 11th – 12th November, 2011 in Pune due to high demand.
The call for speakers / presenters is open. You can give a talk, or you can pitch your game. Proposals are invited for the following tracks:
Game Programming
Game Design
Gaming Business
Games on all platforms are welcom: mobile, handheld, consoles, PC, web.
ClubHack is one of India’s foremost conferences on Security and is now in its 5th year. As usual, it will be on the first weekend of December (3rd & 4th) in Pune. Last year, [ClubHack] had Security Guru Bruce Schneier as the keynote speaker.
The call for presentations is out, and if you’re working in the area of computer security, you should submit a presentation proposal.
Why should you submit?
Being a speaker at a conference gives you visibility and establishes you as an expert in your domain. Plus, as a part of the community, it is your duty to ensure that such events get the best quality of content. And in addition there are the material benefits:
100% Travel reimbursement of economy return tickets for all Indian speakers
Accommodation for 2 in Pune
Complementary passes for event & party for 2
Gift hampers & freebies
Suggested topics are:
Cloud Application Security
Mobile Security (cellular technologies)
Mobile platform attacks (iOS, Android, BB, Win7, Symbian)
Cyber Intelligence
Cyber warfare
Hardware mods
Critical Infrastructure Attack & Protection
Protocol based vulnerability in networks and computers
Firewall Evasion techniques
Data Recovery and Incident Response
WLAN and Bluetooth Security
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Computer forensics
Open source hacking toolkit
Cyber Crime & law
But of course, you can submit proposals for talks in other related areas of security too.
See the CFP for more details, and specifics on how to submit a proposal.
Regular readers of PuneTech will know that we believe IndicThreads conducts the best vendor-neutral tech conferences in Pune, and hence we’re usually glad to promote the CFP for their conferences. Currently, the CFP for their Mobile Applications Development Conference (to be held in Pune on 19, 20 August 2011) is open and we would like to encourage our readers to submit proposals.
Since IndicThreads is a paid conference, PuneTech does not promote the conference itself on the PuneTech home page, but we’re happy to promote the call-for-speakers, since that is free, and it allows the selected speakers to attend the conference without having to pay. There are of course other benefits to being a speaker at one of these conferences – including increasing your visibility, becoming known as a domain expert, etc.
This CFP is soliciting speakers in the areas of mobile applications, mobile application platforms, frameworks, tools, testing, performance, security and in general anything interesting related to mobile applications.
The last date for submitting the proposal is 15th June, and right now, you only have to submit a short abstract of what you will be speaking about. So, it is as easy as just clicking here and writing one paragraph about whatever work you’ve been doing in the area of mobile app development recently. Just do it.
Look at these PuneTech posts (article 1, article 2) to get an idea of what last year’s conference was like. Look here for slides of all the talks last year.
If you’re an Industry Professional and have any experience with Cloud Computing, you’re encouraged to submit an abstract by March 31st April 10th. The suggested topics are:
Cloud /Grid architecture
Cloud-based Services and Education
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
High-Performance Computing
Cloud-Delivered Testing
Cloud Lock-in vs. Cloud Interoperability
Multi Cloud Frameworks & APIs
Monitoring Cloud Applications
Data Security & Encryption On The Cloud
Elastic Computing
Cloud Databases
Private vs. Public Clouds
Cloud Scalability
Cloud Analytics
But don’t be limited by these choices.
Click here to submit a proposal. Remember the deadline is 31st March… and all you need to submit at this time, is a one paragraph abstract.
The submission deadline is 31st Jan, 2011. The conference itself will be on 25 and 26 March, in Pune. Write to [ conf AT indicthreads DOT com ] in case of any queries.
The call for papers for two interesting security conferences has just been announced, and as usual, PuneTech is trying to encourage its readers to make submissions to the conferences. As indicated in an earlier post, PuneTech does not promote paid conferences, but we’re happy to promote the call for speakers for these conferences, because, for selected speakers, the conferences is free :-).
World famous security researcher Bruce Schneier is expected in Pune for ClubHack2010 in December. Image via Wikipedia
The first of these conferences is ClubHack 2010, which will be in December 2010, and will feature world famous security expert Bruce Schneier, and the second one is the nullcon dwitiya which is actually in Goa (but is featured in PuneTech because null started in Pune, and is still a largely Pune-driven group).
ClubHack 2010
ClubHack2010 is expecting a deep knowledge technical presentations/demonstrations on topics from the world of Information Security. These presentations are expected to be of 40 minutes each. The schedule time for each presenter would be 50 minutes out of which 40 minutes are for the presentation & 10 for the question-answer sessions.
Indicative list of Topics for ClubHack2010
The following list of topics is made keeping in mind the most interesting topics in hacking & security. This is more of an indicative list, the papers submission can be on other topics also but have to be close to this & the theme of the event.
Protocol / Application based vulnerability in networks and computers
Firewall Evasion techniques
Cloud Application Security
Data Recovery and Incident Response
Mobile Security (cellular technologies)
WLAN and Bluetooth Security
Analysis of malicious code
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Computer forensics
Cyber warfare
Open source hacking toolkit
Cyber Crime & law
Hardware mods
Important dates for ClubHack2010
Click on logo see all PuneTech articles about ClubHack
Abstract Submission: 30th October 2010
Announcement of selected papers: 5th November 2010
Full Paper Submission: 15th November 2010
Speaker Benefits for ClubHack2010
Economic Return Ticket â from your nearest international airport to Pune
Accommodation (upto 4 days)
Local Tourism package (in Sahyadri Ranges, Western Ghat)
One extra ticket for the event
No other expenses as ClubHack is a not-for-profit group & finding sponsors in India is tough
Click on the NULL logo to see all PuneTech articles about NULL
null is a security community that started in Pune, and is now very active in a number of cities in India, including Bangalore, Delhi, Bhopal, etc. They have monthly meets and regular security awareness camps in various Institutions and Organizations, and they also hold an security conference in Goa every year. null describes itself as
We are a bunch of security phreaks who like to share our technical expertise and hacking skills with each other and spread awareness among the common people about the good, the bad and the ugly side of computers and technology. We believe that sharing the right technical knowledge leads to expertise and innovation and that is what we strive to do in our meets and events.
nullcon dwitiya is the second annual null conference, and will be in Goa in Feb 2011. They are soliciting research done by the community as paper submissions for nullcon. Submissions are expected in 4 tracks:
Bakkar: 1 Hr Talks
Tez: 5-30 min Talks
Karyashala: 2-4 Hrs Workshop
Desi Jugaad (Local Hack): 1 Hr
Submission Topics for nullcon dwitiya
For “Desi Jugaad” (Local Hack) nullcon is looking for submissions of any kind of local hacks that you have worked on (hints: electronic/mechanical meters, automobile hacking, hardware, mobile phones, lock-picking, bypassing procedures and processes, etc, Be creative :-D)
For the more traditional papers, the indicative domains are:
Hardware (ex: RFID, Magnetic Strips, Card Readers, Mobile Devices, Electronic Devices)
Tools (non-commercial)
Programming/Software Development
Information Warfare
Botnets, Malware
New attack vectors
Mobile, VOIP and Telecom
Critical Infrastructure
Important dates for nullcon dwitiya
CFP End Date: 30th November 2010
Speakers List Online: 10th December 2010
Conference Dates: 25th â 26th February 2011
Speaker Benefits for nullcon dwitiya
Speaker benefits are available for selected speakers in the “Bakkar”, “Desi Jugaad” and “Karyashala” tracks:
Free Accommodation for 3 nights
Travel (One way or Return depending on the Sponsorships )
IndicThreads has put out a call for submissions from potential presenters for their first conference on Software Quality, to be held in Pune on 5th and 6th March. If you’ve done any work in tools, processes, programs for testing, you should submit an abstract of your proposed talk.
If you’re accepted as a speaker, you get a free pass to the conference.And free hotel stay if you’re from out of town. (All those reading PuneTech from outside Pune, please raise your hands.)
Become famous: being a speaker at a national conference is good for visibility, and all engineers should strive for visibility. It’s very important. Almost as important as being a good programmer. (Maybe more?)
Help out a good Pune initiative. More submissions will improve the quality of the conference, and having a high quality conference in Pune improves the overall stature of Pune as an emerging IT powerhouse.
Why You?
I’m willing to bet that many people reading this will think – but I am not an expert. Not true. If you’ve spend a couple of years working on some specific aspect of testing, chances are that you’ve acquired expertise that you can present and help improve the understanding of others. You don’t have to have done ground-breaking research. Have you adopted a new tool that came out recently? Talk about it, because others will not have experience with its use. Have you used an old tool in a new way? Definitely submit a proposal. The others in this field would love to hear of this new wine in an old bottle. Have you figured out some new process for making your quality assurance team more productive, or less buggy? (Hey, you of all people should know that we can do testing/QA/debugging on people too, right!?)
Just because you think you are not the Einstein of Quality, does not mean that you should not submit a proposal. If there is something interesting that you’ve spent your time on in the last year or two, and if you think that 5 other people doing a job exactly like yours would benefit from what you learned – then you should (no, actually, you must) submit a proposal.
And, since recently PuneTech has been thinking about how to involve students in industry, here another idea. If you’re a student and you have ideas on how the Software Quality industry can get students more interested in this field, here is your chance to make your idea to a large roomful of professionals in this field who’ll listen to you, and maybe a few of them will actually do something about it. We already know that students can come up with interesting, well thought out proposals, so here’s your chance.
So go, click submit. All you need right now is a one-paragraph proposal of what your talk will be about. Just do it.
Logistics – what, how, when
The last date for submission is 10th Jan, so please head over the the CFP and submit your entry using the form at the end of that page.
Topics of interest include new and groundbreaking technologies and emerging trends, successful practices and real world learnings.
Topics appropriate for submission to this conference include but are not restricted to the below, stated in no particular order –
Automation Testing
Performance Engineering
Component Testing
Agile Testing
Embedded Systems Testing
Product vs. Application Testing
Games Testing
Security Testing
ATM Testing
Emerging tools and technologies
Reliability Testing
Testing Middleware Applications
SOA Testing
Database Testing
Protocol Testing
Compliance Testing
Software Usability Testing
Please note that submissions aimed at promoting specific organizations or products will not be accepted.
All sessions will be between 50-90 minutes.
The audience consists mostly of senior testers and test leads. Before submission consider how your submission can provide best value to this target segment.
Submissions will be accepted only on the website and not over email.
All submissions must include two session abstracts.
Please provide as much detail as possible in the session abstract, including the target audience.
The decision of the conference team as regards sessions, durations, timings, speaker benefits and all related aspects will be final and binding.
Speaker Benefits
Complimentary Full Conference Pass
We will arrange for your hotel stay and cover the room tariff. Please note that hotel incidentals will not be covered.
Speaking at an IndicThreads event gets you recognition as a subject expert.