Tag Archives: Events

Renewable energy sources & Solar Energy: IIPE meet, 18th Nov

A solar cell made from a monocrystalline silic...
Image via Wikipedia

Use of renewable energy is hot subject today. This week the Indian Institute of Production Engineers, Pune chapter (IIPE Pune) is coming to you with:

What : Renewable Energy sources – Specially Solar.
Speaker : Mr. Deepak Kelkar
Venue: COEP Pune Production Engineering department.
Date: Wednesday, 18th Noember 2009.
Time: 18=30 hrs. to 20=00 hrs.
Charges: Free for all. No registration required.

Mr. Deepak Kelkar is mechanical engineer. He has huge experience in sugar industry to install and commission different equipments. He has started Squre Engineering Pvt. Ltd. in 1986, as EPC company and they are specialized in Renewable Solar energy. They have collaboration with many renouned names in the field. They are working in renewable energy sources since 1992. Mr. will be sharing his experieces in this field. Suare Engineering has developed SUNCUBE – innovative system. The system genrates DC power by using “Tripple Junction PV cells under concentration of 1000X of Sun light.
Visit http://squareengg.com/ for details of Square Engineering Pvt Ltd
and http://groups.google.com/group/iipepune?hl=en for learning more about IIPE activities.

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Tech Events this week in Pune: MCCIA Expo, SystemVerilog, PMI, POCC

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There are a bunch of interesting events in Pune this week. If you’re following the PuneTech calendar, you already know about them, but if you don’t here is a quick lowdown

MCCIA’s PuneExpo:

The theme for this year’s PuneExpo is “Business @ Innovation”

Initiated in the year 2002,this annual exposition is organized by the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce ,Industires and Agriculture(MCCIA) in the city of Pune and is regraded as one of the largest of its kind in India.Owing to its integrated nature that is not segment-specific,participant demography in the past has spanned sectors such as automotive, engineering, IT, electronics and electricals, polymers, food-processing, agriculture and wine-making, as well as service sectors such as insurance, banking and finance, education and research, thus proving to be an effectively platform for cross-sectoral interaction.

Wed, Nov 4 to Sunday Nov 8. At COEP Grounds. Details.

PuneChips: Talk by Cliff Cummings on SystemVerilog FSM, Assertion, & RTL tricks for Design Engineers

PuneChips is a sub-group of PuneTech started by Abhijit Athavale and is focused on the semiconductor/VLSI/chip testing & automation/EDA industry in Pune. They usually hold events on the first Thursday of every month. This month’s event is a talk on SystemVerilog a combined Hardware Description Language and Hardware Verification Language based on extensions to Verilog. As companies start migrating from Verilog to SystemVerilog it is becoming importatnt that they learn the tools of tread to effectively use it.

Thu, 5th Nov, 6:30pm, at Venture Center, NCL Innovation Center. Details.

PMI Monthly Meet: “Business Process Management” and “How to develop personality of a leader”

The Project Management Institute’s Pune chapter is one of the most active chapters, and they hold a seminar with two talks on the second Saturday of every month.

Saturday, 7th November, 10am to 12:30pm, Cummins Auditorium, Patrakar Bhavan. Details.

Bootstrapping sales & marketing in the US – POCC event

USA is still the largest market in the world for IT products. Our next meeting will cover practical advice and challenges around selling in the US. The aim is to have an engaging session that will help first-time entrepreneurs take back valuable ideas that they can apply in their own Businesses.

Saturday, 7th Nov, 4pm-7pm, SICSR. Details.

Moblin (Mobile Linux) roadshow for developers – 22 Oct

Image representing Intel as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

(Thanks Amit Karpe for forwarding this info to PuneTech)

Moblin is short for ‘mobile Linux‘, is an open source operating system and application stack for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), netbooks, and nettops. Built around the Intel Atom processor, current builds are designed to minimize boot times and power consumption to create a netbook and MID-centric operating system. The netbook/desktop version of Moblin currently supports other chipsets based on the SSSE3 instruction set, such as the Core2 and some Celeron processors.

On Thursday, 22 October, 10am to 4pm, in Le Meridien, Pune, Intel will hold a free, seminar to help developers understand this platform, the surrounding ecosystem, and also to meet key players in this ecosystem. Basically, any Linux/mobile developer interested in building rich internet and media experiences on mobile devices (phones, handhelds, netbooks, nettops, in-vehicle infotainment and embedded systems) should attend to understand the Moblin ecosystem, and also to meet key players like Novell, Phoenix, Wind River and explore new business opportunities.

In addition, this event will also talk about Intel’s Atom Developer program. Here is the pitch for that program:

The netbook has become a one of the most popular consumer devices in the market today, but its true potential has been limited by applications that are not optimized for its mobility and small screen size. The Intel Atom Developer program helps developers to create innovative new applications for mobile devices using the Atom processor. The program gives developers access to multiple classes of customers, and allows them to target Moblin and Windows based devices using a single toolset. This event will also give an overview of this program, the validation procedure, the APIs and the app marketplace framework.


What: Moblin v2 for Atom roadshow by Intel
When: Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 10am-4pm
Where: Le Meridien, Pune
Registration and Fees: This is free for all to attend. Register here.

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ISACA Monthly Meet: Q and A on Information Technology Law in India

The Pune Chapter of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) presents their monthly meeting, in which they have a Questions and Answers session with Pavan Duggal, Chairman ASSOCHAM Cyberlaw Committee, an advocate of the Supreme Court of India, and President of Cyberlaws.net.

What: Q&A session with Pavan Duggal
When: Saturday, 10th October, 6pm-8:30pm
Where: SICSR, 4th floor
Registration and Fees: Free for all to attend. No registration required

Pavan has been associated with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India on Cyberlaw and Electronic Governance legal issues. While a practicing Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Pavan Duggal has made an immense impact with an international reputation as an expert and authority on Cyberlaw and E-Commerce law.

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Technical Seminar on Sun’s ZFS (file system) from KQInfoTech

What: Technical seminar on ZFS (file-system) from Sun, presented by KQInfoTech
When: Friday, 9th October, 6pm-8pm
Where: Sadanand Regency, Opposite Balewadi Stadium, Bangalore Highway (note: this is not the same as Sadanand Restaurant)
Registration and Fees: This seminar is free for all to attend. You must register to attend.

Sun Microsystems
Image via Wikipedia

On ZFS Technologies

KQInfoTech invites everybody interested in storage and systems to join them in a discussion of ZFS from Sun. This is the second talk in the series. The first talk had discussed various features of ZFS and introduced basic of ZFS, while this seminar we will be attempting to take a deeper plunge into ZFS, trying to look at various aspects of ZFS architecture and getting a better understanding of the same.

However, it is not necesssary to have attended the first seminar to be able to attend this one. There will be a quick refresher for those who missed out on the first one, to bring everyone up to speed on the basics of ZFS.

There are no fees for participation. However in view of limited seats, prior registration is crucial.

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ASIC Verification: Trends and Challenges

(This is a guest post for PuneTech by Arati Halbe, who has close to 9 years experience in ASIC front end design and verification. Post silicon validation and FPGA prototyping is her recent area of interest and expertise. Arati has worked with Wipro Technologies and Conexant Systems. Arati did her B.E. from University of Pune and M.Tech from CEDT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. See Arati’s linked-in profile for more details.)

As the complexity of Integrated Circuits (specifically ASIC and SoC) increases, and as their sizes keep reducing, the task of testing the chip gets more and more challenging. Engineers need to come up with better and different methodologies to ensure what goes to the factory for manufacturing is actually what they intended to deliver. Verification occurs at various stages in the ASIC development cycle. How much is enough at each stage is a problem that needs to be addressed on a case to case basis. A sound knowledge of various techniques and awareness of capabilities and limitations of each technique goes a long way in making decisions about when, where and what.

The integrated circuit from an Intel 8742, a 8...
Click on the image to see all PuneChips articles on PuneTech. Image via Wikipedia

Keeping this in mind, PuneChips had verification expert Jagdish Doma talk about “ASIC verification: Trends and Challenges” on 20th August 2009. Though impacted by the H1N1 scare we had a small but diverse audience. Jagdish discussed in detail the strengths and limitations of the various techniques, viz: ESL, Formal verification, Dynamic simulation, FPGA prototyping and Emulation.

ESL or Electronic System Level testing is the newest trend. Supporters of ESL claim that it is a highly powerful system level modeling tool. It enables fast software bring-up if combined with an emulation/FPGA prototyping platform. ESL has been used successfully to validate systems for mobile applications where only one peripheral/application is active on the processor bus. ESL does not seem suitable for systems where multiple processes and interfaces are active simultaneously, like for example in a networking system.

Formal verification, a static verification technique which is mainly assertion based, is useful to check control paths. It cannot be used to verify datapaths. Dynamic simulation is a very effective way of verifying functionality of every block in the ASIC including the datapath. Gate level simulations performed after the back annotated placement and routing data is available are used to identify timing related issues or omissions/errors in stating multi-cycle paths.

The need to find hardware bugs as early as possible in the ASIC lifecycle drives the emulation and/or FPGA prototyping effort. Both these techniques enable the testing of scenarios which are generally not possible to test in dynamic functional verification, well before the actual silicon comes back from the fab. Emulation or prototyping also accelerate fast software ramp up and the software team can get a development platform ready well before the actual chip is available. Emulation involves running test cases on hardware accelerated platforms like Palladium from Cadence and Veloce from Mentor. For FPGA prototyping, Single or multiple FPGAs are used to build a PCB system targeted for the testing of the ASIC/SoC. The ASIC code is then fully or partially programmed on the FPGA/s and functionality can thus be tested.

Scenarios with much longer simulation times than what normal functional simulation allows can be run on the emulation platforms. All the internal signals are available for viewing and debug, just like in functional simulation. The FPGA prototype platform does enable longer test time, but the debugging available is limited. The hardware accelerators are costly, and investing in them makes sense if a company has lot of ASIC programs running simultaneously. For companies which have similar chips planned back to back, investing in a home grown FPGA based emulation/prototyping platform makes sense. Another advantage FPGA prototyping is that the RTL goes through a complete synthesis and place and route cycle and testing is done on a circuit which is as close to the real ASIC as possible.

To ensure that a bug free product reaches the customer is a complex activity and poses multiple challenges. Coverage, legacy code, repeatability are issues that need to be tackled. Ensuring that the coverage is at an acceptable level is important. Code coverage is run to find out if all the possibilities of a written code are exercised in a test suite. Simulators from cadence (ius), synopsys(vcs) and mentor (modelsim) have their own code coverage analyzers. Functional coverage means to find out if each feature listed in the specification for an ASIC/SoC is verified. It is essential that the functional specification document has an individual numbered paragraph for each feature so that traceability is easier. Functional coverage is an activity that needs planning, reviews and careful test case designing. Methodologies like eRM (e reuse methodology – Specman based) and OVM (open verification methodology – System verilog based) do assist checking functional coverage, but the inputs provided need careful specification and reviews.

Reviews, not just for coverage, but at every stage in the ASIC cycle are extremely important. One of the challenges encountered while designing an ASIC is that the hardware team interprets a certain behavior from software and the software expects that certain things are taken care of in hardware. It is very important to involve members from design team, verification team, architecture team, software & firmware team for verification review.

It takes a good amount of effort to come up with a verification environment, and it is very common for a team to use what has worked before when schedules are demanding. Legacy environment saves lot of time, but it also handicaps the team. Talking about saving time, efficiency goes a long way in shrinking the schedules. The initial time and effort investment in automation of repetitive tasks save lot of time in future. Use of re-usable methodologies will definitely save time and effort.

Finally, while choosing the verification flow for a certain ASIC, team needs to look at what is available in terms of resources as well as time, understand the end user requirement, and make a decision on which technique to employ at what stage.

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ITpio.org Pune Event: Need of Networking for IT Professionals

What: Inaugural session of the Pune Chapter of ITpio.org – IT Professionals of Indian Origin, featuring talk on “Need of Networking for IT Professionals” by Khanderao Kand, Director of SOA at Oracle
When: Saturday, 3rd October, 5pm to 6pm
Where: Zinnia conference room, 4th floor, Building B, Symantec Software, near Hotel Mahabaleshwar, Baner Road
Registration and Fees: This event is free for all to attend. No registration required.

Need of Networking for IT Professionals

By Mr. Khanderao Kand, Principal Architect/ Director SOA Architecture at Oracle Corp, USA.

Khanderao Kand, M Tech, IITB, is a Principal Architect / Director SOA Architecture at Oracle Corp, USA. He is involved in the development of Oracle’s SOA Suite. He provides Architectural consultancy to more than fifty projects of Oracle’s next generation Fusion Applications to architect their solutions around SOA and BPM. More than 50 Apps architects and almost two thousand developers work in the project. He has been involved in the development of various industry standards like BPEL 2.0, SCA-Assembly, SCA-BPEL etc. He is socially active and has a national level role in a leading voluntary organization.

About ITpio Pune

ITpio is a worldwide networking association of IT Professionals of Indian Origin. ITPio aims to bring professionals in the fields of hardware and software together for their career and personal development while contributing back to the IT profession and community. ITPio aspires to represent the interests of Indian IT Professionals in the policies and issues related to Information Technology.

For more information, call the coordinators :

Nihar Mehta, +91 98509 96348, nihar_n_mehta@yahoo.com
Anurag Agarwal, +91 98812 54401, anurag@kqinfotech.com
Ravindra Sahasrabudhe, +91 98903 81929, ravigs@hotmail.com
Swarraj Kulkarni, +91 98500 23426, swarraj_k@yahoo.com
Ajit Deshpande, +91 98224 48602, adeshp1@gmail.com

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SEAP Workshop – Intellectual Property – Management, Protection and Exploitation Strategies – Sept 17

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Click the logo for other PuneTech articles about SEAP

Later today, the Software Exporters Association of Pune (SEAP) and Nishith Desai Associates present a workshop on intellectual property that will cover the following areas:

  • Creation and Identification of protectable Intellectual Property and means of protection
  • Acquisition of Intellectual Property
  • Intellectual Property strategy and commercialization
  • Use of third party IP – precautions to be taken
  • ICT Patents – Indian Scenario
  • Remedies for breach of Intellectual Property

This is today, September 17th, from 2pm to 5pm at Dewang Mehta Auditorium, Bhageerath, Persistent Systems, S.B. Road.

For further details of this event, including detailed profiles of the speakers, see the PuneTech calendar entry. Note: this is different from the POCC event on copyrights and patents that will be held on Saturday 19th September, 4pm, at SICSR.

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Sharepoint Day 2009 by Pune Microsoft Technologies User Group – 19 Sept

What: Sharepoint Day: Search, Share, Collaborate with SharePoint Server 2007, by Pune (Microsoft Technologies) User Group
When: Saturday 19th September, 2009, 9am-1pm
Where: Dewang Mehta Auditorium, Persistent System, S.B. Road (Bhageerath)
Registration and Fees: This event is free for all. Register here.

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  • Reporting 9:00 AM
  • Introduction 9:30 AM
  • Keynote “SharePoint: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”,Michael Noel and Joel Oleson 9:00 AM
  • Tea Break 10:15 AM
  • Session 1: “Building the Perfect SharePoint Farm” By Michael Noel 10:30 AM
  • Q&A and Break 11:30 AM
  • Session 2: “Preparing for Upgrade to SharePoint 2010 Today” By Joel Oleson 11:45 AM
  • Q&A 12:45 PM

Building the Perfect SharePoint Farm

by Michael Noel

SharePoint 2007 has proven to be a technology that is remarkably easy to get running out of the box. On the flipside, however, some of the advanced configuration options with SharePoint are notoriously difficult to setup and configure, and a great deal of confusion exists regarding SharePoint best practice design, deployment, disaster recovery, and maintenance. This session covers best practices encompassing the most commonly asked questions regarding SharePoint infrastructure and design, and includes a broad range of critical but often overlooked items to consider when architecting a SharePoint environment. In short, all of the specifics required to build the ‘perfect’ SharePoint farm are presented through discussion of real-world SharePoint designs of all sizes.

  • Learn from previous real world deployments and avoid common mistakes.
  • Plan a checklist for architecture of SharePoint environments of any size.
  • Build the ‘perfect’ SharePoint farm for your organization.

More Info

See the event homepage for more details.

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Copyrights and Patents for Startups – POCC event Sept 19th

What: Pune OpenCoffee Club meeting on copyrights and patent issues that startups should be aware of.
When: Saturday, Sept 19th, 4pm-7pm
Where: Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, Atur Centre, Model Colony. Map.
Registration and Fees: This event is free for all to attend. No registration required.

Talk 1: Understanding Copyrights, by Navin Kabra

Pune OpenCoffee Club - POCC Logo
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Many startup founders are unclear on the details of what exactly copyright law entails. I’ve seen a few Pune startups get into significant trouble due to their ignorance. And I’ve seen a lot of them inadvertently indulge in very risky behavior.

In this talk I’ll cover the following points:

  • Basic introduction to copyrights
  • How copyrights are different from patents and trade secrets
  • Fair Use: What is and what isn’t a copyright violation
  • Understanding open source licenses: GPL, Apache, Affero GPL (for cloud computing), Creative Commons, etc

About the speaker: Navin Kabra

Navin is a co-founder and CTO at BharatHealth.com, a startup focused on creating online software products in the healthcare industry. He is also the creator of PuneTech.com, a portal for the tech community in Pune, India. In the past he has worked for large companies, and small; he has seen a successful exit, and he has seen a dotcom failure; he has done product development, and he has done research; he has written consumer software, and he has written enterprise software; and he has been a developer, he has been an architect, and he has been a manager (but hated it). He has a PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin in 1999, and a B.Tech. in Computer Sciences from IIT-Bombay before that.

Talk 2: Become Patent-Smart Entrepreneur – by Hemant Chaskar

In this talk audience will receive practical knowledge on patents. Basics of patents will be covered, followed by guidelines on pursuing effective patent strategy for startups and early stage ventures.

About the speaker: Hemant Chaskar

Hemant has been in the computer and networking industry for more than a decade. His experience spans research, product design and engineering, intellectual property management, technical marketing, and standardization. He is currently Director of Technology at AirTight Networks. Hemant holds PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UIUC and is also a patent agent registered with the US Patent Office.

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